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TABLE OF CONTENTS RULE 1 -Championship and Elimination Rules

1.1 Applicability of IBU Championship and Elimination Rules.
1.2 Registration of Management Contracts.
1.3 Conflict of Interests
1.4 Options for Title Bouts.
1.5 Procedures Related to Options.
1.6 Exclusive Promotional Agreements.
1.7 Time Limitations on Options.
1.8 Transfer of Option by Promoter.
1.9 Promoter Ownership of Interest in Champion or Challenger.
1.10 Execution of IBU Championship Bout Contracts.
1.11 Filing of IBU Official Championship Bout Contracts.
1.12 IBU Approval of IBU Championship and Elimination Bouts.
1.13 IBU Discretion to Deny Certification of Bouts.
1.14 Site of a IBU Championship Bout.
1.15 IBU Supervisor at Championship Bouts.
1.16 Appointment of Judges and Referees.
1.17 Examination for Officials.
1.18 Fees for Ring Officials.
1.19 Attire of IBU Ring Officials.
1.20 Presentation of the IBU Championship Belt.
1.21 IBU Championship Defense Obligations.
1.22 General Matters Pertaining to IBU Championship Defense Obligations
1.23 Withdrawal or Suspension of IBU World Championship Status.
1.24 Petition for Reconsideration.
1.25 Loss of IBU Championship Status.
1.26 IBU Vacant Title.
1.27 IBU Interim Championship
1.28 Penalty on Inactivity by IBU Champion or IBU "Interim" Champion
1.29 Immediate Rematch Policy
1.30 Rematch After Intervening Contest
1.31 IBU "Emeritus" Champion

RULE 2 -Purse Offer Procedures

2.1 Adherence to Purse Offer Procedure
2.2 Modification of Purse Offer Regulations and Procedures
2.3 Free Negotiation Period.
2.4 Request for Purse Offer
2.5 Right to Participate in a Purse Offer.
2.6 Format of Purse Offer Bids.
2.7 Submission of Purse Offer Bid.
2.8 Obligations Regarding Purse Offer Bids.
2.9 Winning of Purse Offer.
2.10 Purse Offer Contracts.
2.11 Failure to Sign Purse Offer Contracts.
2.12 Division of Proceeds in a Purse Offer.
2.13 Rights of Promoters Holding Options.
2.14 Single Purse Offer Bids.
2.15 Failure to Promote a Bout.

2.16 Timing of a Bout.
2.17 Modification of Purse Offers
2.18 Amount of Purse Offer Bids and New Bids.
2.19 Authority of the President/Secretary General in Purse Offers.
2.20 Non Applicability of Purse Offer Procedure.

RULE 3 - Regulations for IBU Championship Belt

3.1 IBU Belts Provided for Each Division.
3.2 Ownership of IBU Belt.
3.3 IBU "Special" Belt and Plaque.
3.4 IBU Champion Bringing His IBU Belt Into the Ring.
3.5 Presentation of IBU Belt.
3.6 IBU Championship Rings.

RULE 4 - Medical & Anti-doping Regulations

4.1 IBU Medical Advisory Board.
4.2 Yearly Examination for Licensing.
4.3 Extensive Examinations for High Risk Boxers.
4.4 Examination Prior to Bouts Outside Boxer's Jurisdiction.
4.5 Examinations Before IBU Title Bouts.
4.6 Safety Weigh-Ins.
4.7 Medical Examination at Weigh-In.
4.8 Post-Bout Examinations.
4.9 Anti-doping Regulations.
4.10 Post Knock-Out Examinations.
4.11 Report of Knock-Outs.
4.12 Rest Periods After Knock-Out.
4.13 Role of Medical Officers at IBU-Certified Bouts.
4.14 Permitted Accessories in Corners During IBU Bouts.
4.15 Emergency Equipment at the Ring During IBU Bouts.
4.16 Medical Facilities.
4.17 Manager and Trainer Education.
4.18 Rights of IBU Regarding Medical Examination of Boxers.
4.19 Boxers Suffering from Detached Retinas.
4.20 Extraordinary Medical Weight Measures.
4.21 Medical Advisory Board to Investigate Fatal Injuries.
4.22 Boxing Injuries in Gyms.
4.23 IBU Referees and Judges.
4.24 IBU Sports and Medicine Foundation.
4.25 The 12-Round Rule.

RULE 5 - Disciplinary & Appeal Procedures

5.1 Exclusivity of Remedies.
5.2 Administrative Remedies.
5.3 Compulsory Mediation.
5.4 Mandatory Arbitration.
5.5 Waiver.

RULE 6 - Ratings

6.1 IBU Ratings Principles
6.2 IBU Ratings Eligibility
6.3 IBU Ratings Criteria
6.4 Inactivity
6.5 IBU Appeals Committee
6.6 �Not Available� Section
6.7 IBU Web Page

RULE 7 - Financial & Administrative Affairs

7.1 In General. 7.2 Expenses Connected with IBU-Sponsored Events.
7.3 IBU Bout Sanction Fees.
7.4 Payment Procedures and Obligations of the Parties.
7.5 Rights of Registered and Authorized Promoters.
7.6 IBU Expenses.
7.7 IBU Convention Expenses.
7.8 Report on IBU Convention Budget and Expenses.
7.9 IBU Convention Procedures.
7.10 Miscellaneous

RULE 8 - Express Agreement

RULE 9 - Amendments


Rule 1 - Championship and Elimination Rule

1.1 Applicability of Championship and Elimination Rules.

These championship and elimination rules shall be applied in all IBU-recognized World Championship and elimination contests, and are entitled to, and must receive the full recognition and respect from all champions and challengers of the world, provided however that under certain circumstances, as when a champion has dual recognition by more than one boxing organization as world champion, various requirements of these Rules and Regulations may be waived by the IBU.

1.2 Registration of Management Contracts.

To be valid, all contracts between champions, challengers and their managers, and/or representatives or sports agents must be filed at the IBU offices.

1.3 Conflict of Interests.

Subject to the provisions of Rule 1.9, no person is permitted to act concurrently both as manager of a boxer and as a promoter of a IBU championship contest involving the same boxer. It is the sole responsibility of the person who is serving both, as a promoter and as a manager of a boxer, to notify the IBU, in writing, of such dual capacity, and failure to so inform the IBU timely and properly, shall result in disciplinary action against the person who incurs in such failure.

1.4 Options for Title Bouts.

At the request of the promoter to promote a world title fight, at the time of execution of a contract resulting from free negotiations, the challenger is required to grant one (1) option for his first title defense, in the event that he is successful in his challenge. The foregoing notwithstanding, with notice to the Chairman or President of the IBU, a challenger may voluntarily, grant the promoter additional options and these options will be valid, binding, and enforceable should the challenger not rescind them in writing, for breach of the terms as stipulated in such option contracts. In order for the option clause to be recognized by the IBU, it must be specific in its terms as to the boxer�s compensation and the period during which it will be exercised under normal circumstances.

This Rule is not applicable if it is prohibited in the jurisdiction where the fight will take place.

1.5 Procedures Related to Options.

Promoters who hold a current and recognized option of a champion will be authorized to discuss and have rights to a title defense. All agreements for an option bout must be filed with the IBU and executed in compliance with Rule 1.10 and 1.11.

1.6 Exclusive Promotional Agreements.

The IBU does recognize exclusive promotional agreements between a promoter and a boxer.

1.7 Time Limitations on Options.

There shall be a time limit of four (4) months from the date of a world title bout within which a promoter must stage a championship bout pursuant to an option granted to him, subject however, to reasonable extensions if such bout cannot be promoted within the four (4) month period by reason of matters out of the control of the promoter and further, subject to the provisions of these Rules and Regulations regarding mandatory defense obligations.

1.8 Transfer of Option by Promoter.

In the event that a promoter holding a valid and binding option for a boxer's services at a specified option purse payable to said boxer sells, assigns or transfer his interests in said option to another person or entity for valuable consideration in excess of the purse payable to the boxer under the option, then said excess amount shall be divided: 30% to the boxer and 70% to the promoter.

1.9 Promoter Ownership of Interest in Champion or Challenger.

Except where the laws of the jurisdiction where the contest is to be held allow, no promoter or other person organizing a championship match is permitted to own or control, directly or indirectly any interest or right in any champion or challenger, except to the extent options are permitted hereunder.

1.10 Execution of Championship Bout Contracts.

Duly authorized managers of the champion or challengers may execute a championship bout contract on the part of the boxer, except if the world title bout is scheduled to take place after the expiration of his management contract. A boxer may execute a championship bout contract alone if he submits written evidence from his local boxing Commission or continental federation acknowledging that his is not associated with any manager or representative and that is free to sign on his own behalf under the sole responsibility of such continental federation. It will be the responsibility of the promoters to ensure that bout agreements are properly signed in accordance with these Rules and Regulations.

1.11 Filing of Official Championship Bout Contracts.

All contracts for IBU-certified world championship contests shall be on the IBU official championship bout contract, (�IBU Sanction Championship Agreement�) form, a copy of which is annexed as Appendix �A� to these Rules and Regulations, unless the parties submit a mutually agreed contract in alternate format acceptable to the IBU. Registered Promoters Agreement, Authorization Agreement from Promoter, and Champion and Challenger Compliance Agreement (copies of which are annexed hereto as Appendix �B� and �C� and �D�) must also be submitted to and filed with the IBU. A bout will not be recognized as a championship event until approved by the President or, in his absence, by the Chairman. If the Championship Contracts are duly filed with and approved by the IBU, they will be treated for all purposes by the IBU as presumptively valid.

The promoter shall comply with the requirements imposed by the �Registered Promoters Agreement and Authorization Agreement for Promoter.

1.12 IBU Approval of IBU Championship and Elimination Bouts.

All promoters must request in writing the approval of IBU world championship and elimination bouts, which will be approved in writing by the Executive Office of the IBU. No bout shall be considered as officially sanctioned by the IBU if it does not have such written approval.

1.13 IBU Discretion to Deny Certification of Bouts.

The IBU reserves the right not to certify or to withdraw certification from any bout as being for a IBU recognized championship if, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, the bout jeopardizes the prestige and good standing of the IBU, or fair and uniform treatment of its own champions, or may cause confusion in the boxing community or the public. Such instances include without limitation, the following:

a) Racial Discrimination.

The IBU will not certify any match if it is to be held in any country which practices racial discrimination in boxing or any other sport.

b) Noncompliance of the IBU Rules and Regulations.

The IBU will not certify any match as for a IBU-recognized championship if it is to be held in a jurisdiction that will not respect these Rules and Regulations and the IBU right of appointment and/or reciprocal approval of ring officials.

c) Boxers With the Same Managers.

When the champion and the challenger have the same manager and/or representative, they must each select for their bout, two different chief seconds, and the original chief second cannot be in the corner of either boxer.

d) Unfair Economic Value of Option.

When the economic value of the option described in the fight contract is so low that could be considered unfair or abusive towards the world champion.

1.14 Site of a Championship Bout.

The IBU will only authorize and certify world title bouts held in those locations where the IBU Constitution, Rules and Regulations are respected.

1.15 IBU Supervisor at Championship Bouts.

The IBU Executive Committee shall be represented at all title and elimination contests by a person or persons appointed by the IBU President. The IBU Supervisor must be seated next to the bout commissioner in order to supervise and tally the scoring of the judges after every round and to be able to perform his other responsibilities. The President of the IBU must be seated by the apron if he is not acting as Supervisor..

The IBU Supervisor(s), particularly in mandatory bouts, should not be, if possible, citizen(s) of the country where the contest is held, nor from the same country as either boxer, unless both boxers are from the same country where the contest is held.

No person holding any office in any other world boxing organization will be eligible to serve as IBU Supervisor in any championship contest.

The IBU Supervisor is empowered to confiscate any substance present in the corner of either participant if he has cause to believe that it is unauthorized by the IBU.

1.16 Promoters� Obligations.

The promoter(s) shall pay the expenses of the IBU Supervisor(s) to championship contests, not to exceed two (2) persons, including transportation, meals, hotels and other incidental expenses. Any attendance by the IBU President at any championship contest will be in an official capacity, and all of his expenses will be paid by the promoter(s).

The promoter(s) shall provide up to three (3) numbered ringside seats in the technical zone immediately adjacent to the ring for the IBU officials, executives, and patrons.

1.17 Appointment of Judges and Referees.

The President or the Chairman of the IBU shall appoint the judges and referees for a title contest from neutral countries. The promoter must pay room and board, transportation and necessary expenses of the officials appointed to a world title bout. All continental federations must register with the IBU Headquarters, each year, a list of the most qualified officials who will then be part of the IBU Pool of Referees and Judges, subject to periodic examination and evaluation of such officials by the IBU Ring Officials Evaluation Committee; geographical neutrality, namely: city, state, nation not being the birthplace, and/or residence, and/or citizenship of the champion and challenger, which will also be considered in the appointment of IBU officials. The President may, under extraordinary circumstances, reach special agreements in regards to the appointment of ring officials.

Appointment of officials will be in accordance with the following:

a) In the case of either a mandatory or voluntary title defense, all officials, consisting of three judges and a non-scoring referee, shall be from neutral cities, states and nations. Champion and challenger born in the same nation, or of the same citizenship or residence, may have ring officials of the same nation in a championship bout, which will be considered neutral. If local commissions enforce local ring officials by law or policies, the IBU will see that the same number of ring officials of both boxer's nation are appointed, unless special circumstances exist. However, in some jurisdictions, the IBU must adhere to the respective laws and statutes enforced by the local/governing commission/body but will also score the fight to ensure a fair verdict is rendered should the fight be relegated to the scorecards of the referee or judges required by the local/governing commission/body

b) Every official must be a member in good standing of the IBU. The appointment to officiate in a IBU contest is a privilege, not a right.

c) Ring officials at IBU-sanctioned fights will exercise their duties and responsibilities in accordance with the procedures and practices contained in the IBU Ring Officials Guide and the Procedures contained in Appendix 'E' of these Rules and Regulations. Ring Officials are prohibited to make statements to the press after fights if they are not authorized by the local commission and/or the IBU representative.

1.18 Examination for Officials.

All judges and referees must complete and pass performance, medical, psychiatric, ophthalmology, cardiology, and psychological tests conducted by their local federation and/or the IBU Ring Officials Committee.

1.19 Fees for Ring Officials.

A schedule of fees for ring officials will be designated by the IBU from time to time. These payments must be made directly by the local boxing commission or the IBU representative to the officials, with the ultimate responsibility to supervise such payment resting with the IBU supervisor.

1.20 Attire of IBU Ring Officials.

All referees in world title bouts must wear the official IBU uniform consisting of black slacks, white shirt, black bow tie, boxing shoes and the IBU emblem. Referees will not wear rings, medals or any other metallic accessory while on the ring. All Judges appointed to IBU sanctioned bouts shall wear the official IBU uniform consisting of a black suit, white shirt, black bow tie, black shoes, and the IBU emblem.

1.21 Presentation of the IBU Championship Belt.

The IBU representatives in a world title contest shall have the right to demand that the champion at all times enter the ring with the championship belt, and it shall be the obligation of the champion to do so under all circumstances. The IBU Representative and the chairman of the local federation will present the championship belt to the champion after every contest. Promoters of the title contest shall provide security, organize the ceremony for the presentation of the championship belt, and require boxers in their contest contracts reasonably to assist so that such presentation can occur in an organized and efficient manner.

1.22 Championship Defense Obligations.

a) Voluntary Defense Obligations: All IBU recognized champions must defend their title at least two (2) times a year. Champions will defend their titles either in a voluntary or mandatory defense, as follows:

any of the top ten (10) rated contenders;

upon a majority vote of the Executive Committee, any boxer rated from 11 to 15 positions;

a champion or a top-10 rated boxer of another immediate lower or higher weight division, subject to the majority vote of the Executive Committee;

a former or retired world champion upon majority vote of the Executive Committee; and

another boxing organization�s champion recognized by the IBU, upon majority vote of the Executive Committee.

b) Mandatory Defense Obligations: All IBU champions are obligated to make at least one (1) yearly mandatory defense strictly pursuant to the following:

A mandatory defense shall always be exclusively against a IBU designated official mandatory challenger;

The designation of the official mandatory challenger requires a majority vote approval of the Executive Committee:

The No. 1 rated boxer in the IBU rankings is not necessarily the official mandatory challenger;

The IBU shall always have the discretion to: a) designate as official mandatory challenger the highest rated available challenger of the division, by merits as determined by the Executive Committee in its sole discretion; or b) through a final elimination bout of two (2) highest available contenders;

The IBU may order more than one (1) elimination bout to find an official mandatory challenger. The only challenger that will have the right to fight directly against the Champion is the winner of a final elimination bout, subject to the provisions of this Rule;

The IBU Executive Committee may, after a final elimination bout, and upon a two thirds (2/3) voting of the Executive Committee, retire recognition to the winner of such bout as official mandatory challenger based on lack of merits or performance in its sole discretion, or if it serves the best interests of the sport. In such scenario, the IBU will order the an additional final elimination bout;

An immediate rematch ordered by the IBU pursuant to Rule 1.28 is considered a mandatory defense. If such rematch is ordered, a previously designated official mandatory challenger shall instead face the winner of immediate rematch without an intervening bout;

The period of one (1) year stated in these Rules for a champion to make a mandatory defense may be extended by the IBU Executive Committee upon their majority vote approval for extenuating circumstances, or if a champion has defended the title in a voluntary defense against the No. 1 rated boxer;

No boxer shall be designated as mandatory challenger if he has a legal restriction that would impede him to enter into free negotiations within the context of Rule 2. It will be the sole responsibility of the challenger to inform the IBU of such contractual restrictions. The IBU will assume that there are no contractual or legal obligations that impede the fighter to negotiate the bout. In the event that a boxer fails to timely notify the IBU of any contractual or legal obligation or restriction, as mentioned herein, he will be subject to a fine for such failure and, further, removed as a challenger for the IBU title; and

Under extreme special circumstances, such as an unification bout or a proposed bout with a legendary boxer, that could result in a great promotion, prestige, and importance for the sport of boxing, the IBU may sanction such bout as a mandatory bout. If a mandatory challenger had already been appointed by the IBU, the winner of the special bout will then face the mandatory challenger without an intervening contest.

1.23 Withdrawal or Suspension of IBU World Championship Status.

a) Except as provided for in Rule 1.25, the Executive Committee may, by two thirds (2/3) vote, withdraw or suspend recognition of a boxer as IBU champion if he fails to defend his title in accordance with the Constitution, Rules and Regulations, or for holding the title of another boxing organization without the approval or sanctioning of the IBU, or for any other reason which justifies suspension or withdrawal, such as the violation of the Constitution, Rules and Regulations.

b) Withdrawal or Suspension of Championship Status in Other IBU Certified Titles. In the case of other IBU certified championships, in addition to the world championship, a two thirds (2/3) voting of the corresponding committee or continental federation will be necessary for withdrawal of recognition or suspension of championship status.

1.24 Petition for Reconsideration.

In the event that recognition is suspended or withdrawn under these Rules, it will be deemed final and the IBU may undertake steps to fill the vacant title, provided however, that the affected party may request reconsideration in accordance with Rule 5 herein.

1.25 Loss of IBU Championship Status.

The privilege, trademark and accolade of IBU championship which is owned exclusively by the IBU, may be lost in the following cases, among others:
a) In the event that the holder of a IBU title is convicted and imprisoned for a crime involving moral turpitude, the IBU Executive Committee shall declare the champion�s title vacated and the procedure to fill the vacant title is set out in these Rules and Regulations.

b) In the event that any boxer rated for any IBU title has been convicted and imprisoned for a crime involving moral turpitude, such boxer will be dropped from the ratings.

1.26 Vacant Title.

If a title becomes vacant for any reason, the Executive Committee may in its discretion take whatever steps or actions it deems necessary or appropriate to fill the title, including but not limited to: 1) authorize and cause to be instituted a tournament or elimination contest among leading available contenders in the division of the vacant title, with the winner being recognized as the new champion; or 2) authorize or cause to be instituted a direct bout between the two highest rated available boxers and recognize the winner as the champion; or 3) appoint as challenger the champion of a lower or higher division to contend against the highest rated available boxer of the division for the vacant title; or 4) recognize as champion the winner of a previous elimination bout. This list is non-exclusive.

The Executive Committee may impose such conditions as it deems proper and necessary in its discretion upon the new champion winning a vacant title, including but not limited to: 1) designating the boxer against whom the first defense of the title must be made (who may be selected from the highest rated available boxers or a boxer selected through a final elimination bout); 2) ordering the new champion to make his first mandatory defense within ninety (90) to one hundred and twenty (120) days of acquiring the title; 3) if requested and feasible, to approve one voluntary defense, with the condition that the winner must meet his official mandatory challenger next. This list is also non-exclusive.

1.27 Interim Championship.

The IBU may order an interim title bout when a world champion will be temporarily inactive and unable to defend his title for a period to exceed 6 months due to:

a)certified medical reasons;
b)a legal impediment; or
a reasonable cause strictly beyond his control

1.28 Immediate Rematch Policy.

The IBU does recognize immediate rematch clauses in championship bout agreements and will sanction and authorize immediate rematches, as a mandatory defense by a majority vote of the Executive Committee under the following circumstances:

i. the result of the fight was controversial or irregular;

ii. when the first match was of such extraordinary results that it could constitute a public demand and great promotion, prestige and importance for the sport of boxing and the IBU.

The winner of the immediate championship rematch must comply with mandatory defense obligations existing at the time of the original contest.

1.29 Rematch after intervening contest.

The IBU may also order by a majority vote of the Executive Committee a rematch as a mandatory defense after allowing an intervening championship contest to the winner of the original bout. In such case, the winner of the intervening contest must face the loser of the original bout and must comply with mandatory defense obligations existing at the time of the original bout.

1.30 Emeritus Champion.

In its discretion, the IBU may designate and recognize, upon a two thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Committee, one or more IBU Emeritus Champion of the world in each weight category. Such recognition is for life and will only be bestowed upon a present or past IBU World Champion of extraordinary prestige, reputation, stature, and everlasting legacy in the sport.

An IBU Emeritus Champion is free to display and exhibit his special belt in any social ceremony or sports event. The IBU Emeritus Champion recognition is the highest of honors granted by the IBU to any boxer, and cannot be ceded to anyone inside or outside the ring.

Rule 2 - Purse Offer Procedures UPDATED 2009

2.1 Adherence to Purse Offer Procedure.

The purse offer procedure adopted by the IBU and set forth in Rule 2 hereof, shall be respected at all times in title bouts and title elimination bouts, even when a promoter has options for title fights by any of the boxers participating in such bouts, when an agreement between a champion and a challenger is not reached during the free negotiations period. The purse offer regulations and procedures including, without limitation, the respective percentages of the bout purses payable to the champion and challenger, may be modified in special or unusual cases when approved by the vote of a majority of the Executive Committee.

2.2 Free Negotiation Period.

The IBU shall notify a boxer of all mandatory championship defense and title elimination bouts. This notification shall be accomplished to the last known contact information of the boxer or his manager, and/or his last known promoter, and shall be executed by the President or Chairman. It is the sole responsibility of the champion and his manager to provide the IBU President with contact information specifically designated for all notices required under the IBU Constitution or these Rules and Regulations. The IBU is not, and shall not be held liable for the failure of a boxer, his manager, or his promoter, to keep the IBU advised of proper and effective contact information for notification purposes.

When the IBU mandates a championship fight or elimination bouts there shall be a period of thirty (30) days following such notice to permit the parties to negotiate and finalize a contract for a match. Should the parties fail to execute a contract during the thirty (30) day period and if no contracts are filed with the IBU by the end of such period, the period of free negotiations shall be closed, it being the responsibility of the parties to file such contracts.

Upon special circumstances, the President of the IBU or the Chairman, in the exercise of their discretion, may shorten or lengthen the thirty (30) day free negotiation period advising of such to the parties.

2.3 Request for Purse Offer.

Should the aforesaid thirty (30) day free negotiation period not result in submission to the IBU of signed bout contracts the President or Chairman shall request purse offers for the championship from promoters, which must be held within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of expiration of the thirty (30)day free negotiation period, unless such period is reduced or extended by the President at his discretion. Official notification of the request for purse offers shall be made by public release. As a courtesy to its duly registered promoters only, the IBU will send individual notification of a request for purse offers to any promoter who has indicated in writing directed to the IBU Headquarters, a desire to receive such notification. The announcement for bids will contain the date, time and place for the opening of sealed envelopes containing promoters� bids for the championship bout.

No bid will be accepted after the time and date set forth in the announcement for the opening of bids. If no bids are received by the time and date specified in the announcement, the period for receipt of bids shall be extended for an additional fifteen (15) calendar days, and each boxer or their managers of record shall be immediately so notified.

2.4 Right to Participate in a Purse Offer.

a) Promoters, matchmakers and other persons not in good standing with the IBU, who are in arrears in the payment of the yearly licensing/authorization fees, championship match fees or any other IBU fees provided herein, or who have been suspended or expelled from participation in the activities of the IBU, shall not be permitted to present bids or purse offers. Also, to be eligible to participate in a purse offer, a promoter must have signed and provided the Registered Promoters Agreement and the World Title Fight Authorization Agreement of Promoter.

b) Each promoter participating in a purse offer procedure shall pay a non-refundable fee to the IBU as follows:

Heavyweight division bid-€ 5000 (euro dollars)
Cruiser to middleweight division bid- €3500 (euro dollars)
Super welter to super bantamweight division bid - €3000 (euro dollars)
Bantam to strawweight division bid - €2000 (euro dollars)

The fee must be received by the IBU before the submission of the bid.


2.5 Format of Purse Offer Bids.

Every purse offer bid must be submitted using the form Annexed to these Rules and Regulations as Exhibit �E�. Under special circumstances, the IBU President, Chairman, or the IBU Officer conducting the purse offer ceremony, may accept alternate purse offer formats.

2.6 Submission of Purse Offer Bid.

All purse offer bids must be presented by the date, time and at the place set forth in the announcement of the solicitation of said bids. A bid may also be sent by mail oremail to the IBU President or Chairman or the IBU representative conducting the purse offer ceremony. It is the sole responsibility of the participant to confirm actual receipt of his offer to the IBU representative conducting the purse offer ceremony. The IBU will handle all offers with strict confidentiality.

2.7 Obligations Regarding Purse Offer Bids.

a) The licensed promoter making the highest fixed money offer of compensation shall be awarded the championship match. Income projections that are contingent, or statements that a promoter will bid a percentage or dollar amount over the bid by other promoters, will not be accepted. The interested boxers are compelled to accept the winning bid and to participate in the championship match or forfeit their rights to participate as either champion or challenger. A confirmation of the forfeiture of the champion will need a vote of the Executive Committee as provided in Rule 1.23.

b) The winning promoter of the purse offer must, within three (3) calendar days after the bids are opened or at the date specified in the Minutes, deposit with the IBU twenty percent (20%) of the total amount of his offer. The balance of the deposit, after deduction of all applicable sanction fees, will be returned to the promoter at the time of the title bout. In the event the promoter does not promote the bout according to the terms of his winning bid, he will forfeit the twenty percent (20%) deposit to the boxers, which will be distributed according to Rule 2.12. If such twenty (20%) deposit is not made by the winning promoter as required, he shall forfeit his right to promote the bout, which will be granted to the second highest bidder.

c) If a visiting boxer will be taxed in his home country, the promoter must provide him with a certified tax receipt or certificate from the national or local tax authority where the bout takes place for representation as a credit to the tax authority in the boxer's home country.

2.8 Winning of Purse Offer.

The IBU President or Chairman shall notify the winning promoter and his continental and local federation of his winning bid. Minutes of the purse offer procedure shall be written, signed and delivered by and to the participating parties, including the local federation and boxing commission of the boxers.

2.9 Purse Offer Contracts.

The promoter winning the purse offer shall have the championship bout contracts properly signed and delivered to the IBU President or Chairman within ten (10) calendar days after the opening of the sealed bids. Additionally, the promoter will have a term of fifteen (15) calendar days after the opening of the sealed bids to inform in writing to the IBU President or Chairman, the location and date of the bout. The President of the IBU has the authority to extend both periods, for just cause, to a maximum of an additional seven (7) calendar days.

2.10 Failure to Sign Purse Offer Contracts.

a) If the champion or his manager do not sign the bout contracts within the ten (10) day calendar period after the purse offer, or refuse to participate in the bout for the promoter who won the purse offer they shall be subject to disciplinary actions or title forfeiture.

b) If the challenger or his manager refuse to sign the contract within the ten (10) day calendar period after the purse offer, or refuse to participate in the bout for the promoter who won the purse offer under the terms set forth in said offer, the challenger will forfeit his rights as such and the IBU will designate a substitute as well as take any other measure it deems appropriate.

c) In the event a manager refuses or fails to sign the championship bout contract when required, because of a dispute with the boxer or otherwise, then the boxer may sign the contract on his own behalf, but only if he agrees that a manager�s share of thirty (30%) is withheld and deposited in escrow, until the time that the dispute is resolved, and agrees in a manner satisfactory to the IBU, to indemnify the IBU and hold it harmless from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, and liabilities of any kind or nature with respect to the manager.

2.11 Division of Proceeds in a Purse Offer.

The net purse offer (after deduction of the IBU certification fees) shall be divided as follows:

a) Seventy-five per cent (75%) for the champion and twenty-five per cent (25%) for the challenger.

b) Sixty per cent (60%) for the "host" contender in the case of vacant titles or elimination bouts and forty per cent (40%) for the challenger.

c) 55% to the champion and 45% to the interim champion, in the event of such a bout.

d) Notwithstanding the terms of subparagraphs a), b) and c) above, the Executive Committee may, in its discretion and by a majority vote, modify the division of purse offer proceeds between boxers in a purse offer in unusual or special cases, like the consideration of the outstanding marketing value of one of the boxers. The modification of the split will be limited to three categories: 70-30%; 60-40%; and 55-45% for the Champion and challenger, respectively, except in the most exceptional circumstances, in which the split may be modified to 50-50%.

2.12 Rights of Promoters Holding Options.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary which may be contained in these Rules and Regulations, if a promoter holds a duly registered, binding and approved option for a championship bout with a champion, an successor, or, in the case of a vacant title, with a championship contender, but is: 1) unable to finalize a contract for a mandatory championship bout within the time period prescribed in Rule 2.3; or 2) unsuccessful to win the purse offer for the bout, such promoter shall be entitled to payment of an amount equal to twenty-five per cent(25%) of the sum by which the purse from the bid guaranteed to the boxer with whom the promoter holds an option, exceeds the purse that was guaranteed to the boxer under the option or any higher amount that had been offered to such boxer by the promoter during free contract negotiations.

Under such circumstances, it shall be the obligation of the promoter who wins the purse offer, to pay all monies payable to a promoter under the Rules and Regulations, if any, directly to such promoter at the same time that purses are paid to the boxers for the championship bout. For example, if a promoter has a valid option of a champion for a guaranteed �100000 (euros) purse and no higher purse was offered to the boxer by the promoter during the contract negotiations, and if the champion is guaranteed �200000 (euros) in the purse offer won by another promoter, the promoter holding the option would be entitled to payment of �25000 (euros) which is twenty-five (25%)of the excess of the purse offer (�200000) (euros) over his option (�100000)(euros) .

2.13 Single Purse Offer Bids.

If only one (1) promoter presents a bid in a purse offer, he will be allowed to promote the bout unless the Executive Committee considers the offer so low that it would be detrimental to the best interests of the boxers, in which case the IBU will undertake efforts to improve the boxers' purses.

2.14 Failure to Promote a Bout.

If a promoter who won the purse offer relinquishes the right or refuses to promote the championship bout, the promotion will be approved for the promoter who made the second highest bid, provided however, that if in the discretion of the Executive Committee, the offer is too low, or there was no other participant, the IBU shall order initiation of another purse offer procedure.

2.15 Timing of a Bout.

The match shall take place within ninety (90) days from the date of the opening of the purse offer, unless said time limit is changed or modified by a majority vote of the IBU Executive Committee. A promoter unable to comply with the time limit will lose his right to promote the bout.

2.16 Modification of Purse Offers.

If at any time after the celebration of a purse offer and execution of Minutes, the parties involved, including the boxers, decide to modify or alter the terms of the purse offer, including the compensation payable to the boxers, sanction fees as per Rule 7.3 (a) and (b) will be applicable pursuant to the terms of the original purse offer and not pursuant to the modified terms.

2.17 Amount of Purse Offer Bids and New Bids.

a) The IBU Executive Committee reserves the right to refuse any purse offer if deemed to be too low. In the event of identical high bids, new purse offers will be taken from those promoters who submitted the identical high bids, or they may agree to co-promote. New bids may be taken at the same purse offer meeting if the interested parties are present. If one or more of the promoters who submitted identical higher bids are not present, new sealed bids shall be submitted to the IBU President or Chairman within seven (7) calendar days from the original opening of the bids, which shall otherwise comply with these Rules and Regulations.

Bids must include the following information:

1) Amount of the Bid.

The purse amount shall be the total amount of each boxer�s purse.

2) Date of the Fight.

The date on which the fight will be held shall be no more than ninety (90) days nor less than forty-five (45) days from the date of the Purse Bid.

3) Site of the Fight.

No more than three (3) places (cities or metropolitan areas) where the fight may be held.

4) Tickets.

Assurances that the winning promoter shall furnish a minimum of five (5) airline tickets in economy class to the champion from his residence or training camp to the place of the bout, and the challenger with four (4) tickets in economy class. In case the fight is for a vacant title, both boxers shall receive four (4) tickets.

b) Only challengers who have no contractual or legal obligations or restrictions, shall be accepted as available rated boxers to negotiate IBU title bouts as official challengers, as such restrictions would prevent the fighter to negotiate in compliance with the free negotiations as per Rule 2.3. It will be the sole responsibility of the challenger to inform the IBU of such contractual restrictions.

The IBU will assume that there are no contractual or legal obligations that impede the fighter to negotiate the bout. In the event that a boxer fails to timely notify the IBU of any contractual or legal obligation or restriction, as mentioned herein, he will be subject to a fine for such failure and further, he will be removed as a challenger for the IBU title.

2.18 Authority of the President/Chairman in Purse Offers.

The IBU President or the Chairman has the authority to resolve, consider and determine any issue, matter or problem regarding purse offers, not otherwise provided for in these Rules and Regulations, or in their discretion, to take whatever action they deem necessary and appropriate regarding purse offer procedures, to preserve justice and equality.

2.19 Non Applicability of Purse Offer Procedure.

The purse offer procedure herein will not be applicable in a situation where a challenger is offered a purse of ten (10) times the highest purse made by the challenger and based on the contracts registered at the boxing commission where the bout took place, and/or the IBU. In the event that a challenger is offered ten (10) times the highest purse as herein mentioned and he refuses to accept it, the champion will be entitled to enter into negotiations with the next highest rated available challenger.

Rule 3 - Regulations for IBU Championship Belt

3.1 Belts Provided for Each Division.

The International Boxing Union will provide championship belts for the world champions of each weight division.

3.2 Ownership of Belt.

The championship belts will be provided at no costs to the promoter of world championship bouts and shall remain both the intellectual and physical property of the International Boxing Union, which will, in turn, present them to the champions.

3.3 Special Belt.

Any world champion who holds the world title for three (3) years or makes nine (9) defenses of his title, will be presented in a special ceremony, with the luxurious official 18 carat gold IBU championship belt, with the cost to be paid by the IBU, to be kept permanently by him.

3.4 Champion Bringing His Belt Into the Ring.

The world champion in each division must bring his championship belt when he goes in the ring for every defense of his title. If he does not bring his championship belt, he will be subject to fine and o other disciplinary measures by the IBU and his local continental federation. The champion will give the championship belt to the IBU Representative before the beginning of the bout.

3.5 Presentation of Belt.

At the end of the contest, the IBU representative(s) and/or the WBC President, and the president of the local commission where the bout took place, will go into the ring to present the belt to the world champion on behalf of the IBU Executive Committee.

3.6 Championship Rings.

The IBU will provide championship rings to the world champions of each division, after five (5) title defenses at no cost to the champion himself.

Rule 4 - Medical & Anti-doping Regulations

4.1 IBU Medical Advisory Board.

The IBU will have a Medical Advisory Board consisting of one or more chairmen and one or more vice-chairmen from each of the continental federations. The Medical Advisory Board shall study and make recommendations regarding, and prepare rules to implement, safety measures for boxers. This Board shall attempt to have a representative in every nation, state or city where professional boxing matches are held. The WIBU and the Medical Advisory board will attempt to hold a yearly medical congress and seminars to update safety rules and regulations.

4.2 Yearly Examination for Licensing.

In order to promote the safety and protection of the boxers, all boxers must submit themselves to a complete medical examination at their corresponding affiliated boxing commission, in order to obtain their license, as well as the right to be rated in the IBU Ratings, and also have the certification of the IBU for any world title under the IBU. These medical examinations must be repeated each year thereafter for renewal of license and continued right to be included in the IBU Ratings and the right for IBU's certification. The IBU shall have no responsibility, whatsoever, for any consequence or outcome resulting from non compliance of these rules by promoters, boxers, managers, trainers, or boxing commissions. Such examinations must be in accordance with the IBU Universal Standard Physical Annual Exam Protocol and the Appendix F hereto, which include:

?General: Blood type, allergies, pulse, blood pressure, temperature, weight
?Ears: Othoscopy
?Mouth: Pharynx, teeth;
?Eyes: visual screening, acuity, fields, intraocular pressures, dilated fundoscopy
?Adenopathies, lungs, heart (abdominal palpitation)
?Hernia, testicles, tendon reflexes
?Upper extremities and lower extremities
?Skin or supurative wounds or lesions; urinalysis
?Screening for blood born pathogens such as HIV*, Hepatitis B and C
?MRA for arterial abnormalities
?Blood test (HB and hematocrit)
?Serology, electrocardiogram and Echocardiogram if cardiac risk factors are present; skull, neck and chest X-ray (form attached).
?Yearly testing for 10 top ranked with MRI and neuro-psychological testing. CAT scan/PET when issuing licenses, after defeats by KO, or when ordered by Commission doctors.
?A questionnaire on present and past health, recent and past injuries, as well as drugs, alcohol and smoking habits.
* HIV testing must be performed 2-4 weeks previous to the fight.

a) All IBU world-rated boxers must have such medical examinations each year and submit them to the IBU, or be subject to loss of their world rating by the IBU, and thus unable to compete for a world title match.

b) Conditions Jeopardizing a Rated Boxer. It is the sole responsibility of the medical committee of each local commission, to determine whether the safety of a boxer will be jeopardized by allowing him to fight in a IBU title contest.. If the boxers do not submit their medical examinations to the IBU, prior to their title bout, the corresponding promoters and/or boxers will be subject to a fine to be determined by the Executive Committee. It will be the sole responsibility of the local boxing commission, in regards to medical matters, to approve or disapprove a boxing title match. The medical committee of the local commission must consider the following conditions:

1. Any congenital or acquired neurological abnormality, including both, minor and major epilepsy (Grand Mal and Petit Mal), migraine, or any congenital or acquired abnormalities observed in CT or MRI scans, or in an EEG tracing.

2. Any psychological disorder such as depression, schizophrenia, or hypomania.

3. Any pathology in the eye, including cataracts, detachments, holes or tears of the retina, retinal hemorrhages and exudates, and any other intraocular pathology which, in the opinion of the IBU Medical Advisory Board, would endanger a boxer's sight or health. In principal, any boxer with uncorrected visual standards of less than 6/9 in the best, and 6/18 in the worst, would not be considered for a world title bout.

4. Boxers that suffered concussion by KO, should not participate in sparring sessions for forty-five (45) days and no less than thirty (30) days after concussive trauma, including but not limited to KO's, and should not compete in a boxing match in less than sixty (60) days.

15. Boxers under the age of eighteen (18) shall not be licensed for professional boxing nor shall be included in the IBU Ratings neither certified to participate in IBU title bouts.

4.3 Extensive Examinations for High Risk Boxers.

This category includes:

a) Boxers over forty (40) years of age,
b) Boxers with high exposure bouts,
c) Boxers with poor performances, such as three (3) consecutive losses secondary to TKO/KO, or six (6) consecutive losses.
d) Boxers with history of severe concussions,
e) Boxers who have not boxed in three (3) years.

And should undergo extensive examinations on an annual basis and/or special occasions, at least on the following:

a) General physical examination
b) Neurological exam by a neurologist or neurosurgeon
c) Stress EKG and Echocardiogram if cardiac risk factors are present (family history of heart attack under the age of 50, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, a stress ECG (EKG).
d) Evidence of no injury on annual MRI
e) Screen for age-related diseases
f) Ophthalmological exam including dilated fundoscopy,
g) Evidence of NO deterioration on annual neuropsychiatric testing.
h) In addition to the above, possible indicators for performance testing, perhaps by an impartial panel of trainers, which might include:

.badly beaten boxers, specially by blows to the heart in the last bout;
.if boxer has lost prior three (3) bouts;
.if boxer has not shown boxing activity in prior three (3) years; .if boxer has been inactive for prior three (3) years, he should not be allowed to fight for a title bout without at least one (1) prior tune-up bout unless proper documentation including video is provided showing boxer in "fight" sparring in an organized enviroment.

4.4 Examination Prior to Bouts Outside Boxer's Jurisdiction.

The local boxing commission is the sole entity responsible for administering medical exams before the boxer travels outside his home boxing jurisdiction to participate in a IBU-certified boxing match. The local medical officer should issue a certificate, preferably attached to or recorded in the International Boxers Traveling License, including the following exams:

a) Ophthalmology: perfect vision; eye fondi; campimetria
b) Neurology: osteondinose reflexes, Rhomberg, Nistagemus
c) Maxilar: teeth, abnormalities to prevent possible inferior maxilar fractures.
d) Weight, blood pressure, heart rate and heart rate time recovery.

4.5 Examinations Before IBU Title Bouts:

Within four (4) to six (6)weeks before an IBU championship bout, the promoter has the responsibility to have administered, through the local commission�s medical officer or a doctor or institution approved by the IBU, examinations to both boxers, in accordance with the IBU Medical Form, that will include:

?HIV test;
?A thorough questionnaire about his present and past health, both physical and mental.
?A thorough examination, with special attention to the nervous and skeletal system
?A thorough examination of the eyes with special attention to visual acuity and eye fondi with dilated pupil examination.

?Notation of any allergies, drug or otherwise.
?Blood tests for hemoglobin, serology and blood grouping.
?Chest X-ray, CAT scan if necessary or if not taken within the current year, and complete microurinalysis.
?The local boxing commission�s medical exams, will be accepted as valid at the request of the boxer, if they contain the same exams as listed above.

The IBU requires that such medical examinations are sent to the IBU Executive Office in Atlanta, Georgia, USA a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the date of the bout.

4.6 Safety Weigh-Ins.

Boxers shall have the final and official weigh-in no less than sixteen (16) hours but not more than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the bout. Due to the possible adverse results of dehydration and subsequent rehydration of a boxer who is required to lose more than a safe amount of weight to make the required weight limit for the bout, the IBU expects extra official weigh-ins to be held thirty (30) and seven (7) days prior to the official "30-24" hour weigh-in.

a) thirty (30) day weigh-in: four (4) weeks prior to the bout, the boxer�s weight must not exceed ten per cent (10%) of the weight limit for the bout, and

b) seven (7) day weigh-in: seven (7) days prior to the bout, the boxer�s weight must not exceed five per cent (5%) of the weight limit for the bout.

Boxers, managers and trainers are solely responsible for the pre-fight safety weigh-ins and medical examinations required by the IBU and the failure by the boxer, manager and trainer to comply with this rule, is their sole responsibility and not that of the IBU.

In the event that the boxer exceeds the weight qualifications stated above, the IBU may, for the safety of the boxer, refuse to sanction the bout.

4.7 Medical Examination at Weigh-In.

The local boxing commission has the responsibility to conduct physical examinations during weigh-ins before all IBU certified bouts. These exams shall include:

a) blood pressure and heart rate: heart and lungs listened to;
b) thorough examination of the eyes, ears and throat;
c) tests for rhombergism, reflexes, power and coordination;
d) verbal questionnaire about medicines or drugs or any artificial means for weight reduction, that have been used, or other symptoms.
e) direct questioning about any recent symptoms such as headaches, visual disturbances, loss of concentration, general fatigue or other symptoms.

The local commission medical panel and/or the IBU representative(s), on medical advice, will have the right to take or order blood and/or urine samples or any other exam if, in the pre-bout medical examination, signs of serious dehydration or drugs are detected or are suspected.

4.8 Post-Bout Examinations.

The local ringside doctors should follow the contestants back to the dressing rooms or to the anti-doping test special area, if any, to check that both boxers are in satisfactory condition or institute any treatment that may be required. The doctor(s) must issue a written report of the post-bout examinations

4.9 Anti-doping Regulations.

a) Doping in Boxers.

Boxers contending in any IBU world title bout, elimination bout, or any title bout recognized by the IBU, shall not be under the influence of any drug during the contest that will in any manner affect their performance in the ring.
Should a boxer be taking any form of medication, this must be reported immediately, but no later than the Rules Meeting for the championship bout, to the IBU, the medical panel, the IBU and local supervisors before they get engaged in a title match.

b) Contractual Obligations. The contracts for championship and elimination bouts certified by the IBU shall include a clause setting forth an agreement by champion and challenger, that neither of them will take, imbibe, or have administered to him any substance, medicine or drug that may enhance or reduce his performance and which are prohibited by the IBU in these Rules and Regulations.

c) Anti-doping Test Required. The anti-doping tests are mandatory for every world title or elimination bout. When a site for a title bout has no anti-doping facilities, a nearby city will be used. The IBU may print a form setting forth the anti-doping tests and procedures and attach it to registered contracts of champions and challengers. An official IBU laboratory may also be established by the IBU. Both champion and challenger shall adhere to these procedures and policies, and mandatory drug testing will be performed pursuant to the IBU Rules and Regulations herein.

d) Doctors. The local commission will specifically appoint a doctor to supervise and administer the anti-doping test. Where there is no local laboratory available, or when necessary, the IBU will order a neutral doctor to supervise the anti-doping tests and take all necessary samples.

The IBU has the right to select primary laboratories around the world for the anti-doping program and conduct of the testing under approved protocols.

1. The anti-doping tests shall be taken from the urine of the contending boxers immediately after the bout, at the dressing room or place designated by the doctor. The IBU may authorize the samples to be taken before the bouts only in places where a law or a rule so requires.

2. The urine of each boxer shall be placed in two (2) separate bottles perfectly clean and sterilized, marked 'A' and 'B' or '1' and '2', before the boxer and his representative, the doctor in charge and/or any neutral doctor that may be chosen by the IBU. All bottles shall be sealed.

3. All sealed bottles shall have the signatures of the boxer and his representative, if he wishes, the doctor, the local or IBU commissioner affixed to them.

4. Before each IBU title or elimination bout, the local commission shall inform each boxer that the testing of his urine is mandatory immediately after each bout, and that failure or refusal to submit to such testing may result in disciplinary action, including, without limitation, disqualification, suspension or a fine.

5. The first bottle, 'A' or '1', will be used for a first test performed independently by the laboratory specifically appointed by the local boxing commission or the IBU. If the test results, which shall be presented within a week after the contest, are negative, the result shall be reported as such and filed and the second bottle, 'B' or '2', destroyed.

6. If the first bottle, 'A' or '1' is found positive, the IBU shall be immediately informed by the local commission or directly by the laboratory. The IBU will immediately contact the affected boxer, or his representative, to inform them of their right to select a representative to witness a second test. The positive result of bottle 'A' or '1' shall be kept in strict confidence within the laboratory, the local commission, the IBU headquarters, its official representative during the bout and the offending boxer.

7. The responsibility for conducting a second test, when the first is found positive, will be that of the IBU, and bottles 'B' and '2' shall be sent to the laboratory officially and expressly appointed by the IBU where the boxer's representative, if he wishes, may supervise the second testing.

Another laboratory may be agreed upon by the IBU and the boxer. The local boxing commission and the IBU may agree on the laboratory to perform the second test.

8. If bottle 'B' or '2' is found positive, confirming the first test, the IBU shall proceed immediately to schedule a hearing, inform the boxer of same and appoint a IBU investigating committee, whose report shall be presented to the IBU Executive Committee for a determination of appropriate sanctions.

f) Failure to Take Anti-doping Tests. If, after being notified by the local commission about the mandatory testing of their urine, a boxer does not submit to such a testing, he will be disqualified, fined or suspended.

g) Prohibited Drugs and Procedures.

1. Classes of Prohibited Drugs:

?Stimulants (amphetamine, fencamfamine, cocaine, etc.)
?Narcotic analgesics (heroine, morphine, etc.)
?Diuretics (furosemide, thalazide, etc.) Sedative hypnotics (barbiturates, phenobarbital, secobarbital, etc.)
?*Hallucinogens (marijuana, LSD, mescaline, etc.)

*A trace of 100 up to 200 nanograms will result in a warning and severe fine.

*A trace of 200 or more nanograms will result in disqualification or suspension as stated in these Rules and Regulations, including Section h) of this Rule.

Restricted use of aspirin. Due to the blood thinning effects produced by aspirin, the IBU Medical Board strongly recommends that all boxers contending for any IBU title, do not take aspirin within fourteen (14) days previous to their title bout.

2. Banned Procedures:

?Infusions of blood, red cells or plasma expanders;
?Alterations in the integrity and validity of urine (substitution probenecid)

A violation of this Rule will subject the boxer to disqualification or a severe fine, in accordance with the results of an investigation.

h) Sanctions for Positive Anti-doping Test Results

1. If the world champion wins the bout and his anti-doping test results positive, the title will be declared vacant and the challenger (whose anti-doping tests were negative) will be appointed to meet another contender chosen by the IBU for such vacant title, unless the challenger's performance was unworthy.

The IBU may order any other contest at its discretion.

2. If the challenger loses the championship bout and his anti-doping tests are positive, he will not be allowed to fight for a IBU title during a period of one (1) year, during which he will be taken off the ratings.

3. If the challenger wins the title bout and his drug tests results positive, and the losing champion's test results prove negative, the title will be declared vacant, with the offending boxer being disqualified and not allowed to compete for a IBU title during a period of one (1) year, during which he will be taken off the ratings.

The losing champion will then be appointed to fight the highest rated available challenger for the vacant title.

4. If the results of the anti-doping tests of champion and challenger are both positive, the title will be declared vacant and the IBU will appoint two (2) contenders to fight for the vacant title or will fill such vacant title in any other manner that the Executive Committee deems appropriate. Both boxers, shall not be allowed to fight for a IBU title during the following one (1) year.

5. The IBU requires that the offending boxers undergo a rehabilitation treatment or a medical certificate. The IBU also reserves the right to order doping tests at random before including the boxers in the ratings and approve them to compete in title bouts.

6. Anti-doping tests by laboratories and local commissions must follow the procedures as stated in these Rules and Regulations, to be accepted as valid and legal by the IBU.

7. All cases where the tests results are positive, must be handled following a procedure that guarantees a sanctioned boxer a hearing, an investigation and a final ruling by the IBU Executive Committee.

4.10 Post Knock-Out Examinations.

In order to protect the health and welfare of boxers, boxers shall be subjected at least to the following examinations, either by the medical body of the local commission where the bouts are held, or at the boxing commission of the residency of the boxers, or at any medical institute approved by the IBU or his affiliated boxing commission. The local boxing commission where a IBU title bout is held, must perform, at least, the following examinations on boxers who suffer a knock-out or when the referee stops a fight after a boxer has been seriously punished in the ring.

1. A physical examination, including a complete neurological examination with particular reference to the pupils and optic fundi;

2. MRI/CAT Scan

3. Electro-nistamography, and

4. Any other medical exam recommended by the IBU Medical Advisory Board, or the neurologist or neurosurgeon in charge.

4.11 Report of Knock-Outs.

The local boxing commission and the manager of the knocked-out boxer must immediately report same to the boxing commission or federation which extended the boxing license to the boxer.

4.12 Rest Periods After Knock-Out.

A boxer suffering a knock-out must take a sixty (60) day rest period. A boxer suffering two (2) consecutive knock-outs must take a one hundred twenty (120) day rest period. A boxer suffering three (3) consecutive knock-outs must take a one hundred eighty (180) day rest period, and his license must be confiscated pending special thorough medical examinations by the IBU Medical Advisory Board or the local boxing medical board, after which other necessary medical measures might be taken.

4.13 Role of Medical Officers at IBU-Certified Bouts.

Even though local boxing commissions are responsible for providing medical attention at bouts, including IBU-certified title fights, it is the IBU's desire and strong recommendation that the following recommendations be adopted in boxing matches of all kinds and especially in IBU title bouts:

a) There must be two (2) doctors present at each IBU title contest, one (1) of whom (the senior doctor) must be and remain at ringside throughout the bout, while his assistant or colleague must be ready to go back to the dressing rooms should any medical problems arise during a bout. If the doctors deems necessary for the fight to be stopped because of serious damage to the boxer's health, he must hand the red card over to the referee as an indication of the need to stop the bout; however, the decision of stopping the bout will be the referee's responsibility.

b) Both doctors should attend the boxing arena fully equipped, including sphygmomanometer, stethoscope, auriscope, ophthalmoscope, suturing material, patella hammer, an emergency airway, and an adequate portable resuscitator in case of emergency. Both doctors must be skilled in the management of the unconscious patient.

c) Doctors should visit the boxers prior to the contest to advise and ensure that no stimulant or any kind of prohibited drug is used before or during the contest. No prohibited hemostatics or artificial coverings should be used to stop bleeding, and no liniments or other astringent lotions (which could damage wounds on boxers or the doctor's own eyes) should be applied to boxers before or during the contest. Also, the use of smelling salts, amylnitrite, or similar substances is not permitted under these Rules and Regulations.

d) Should anything untoward occur or any problems arise concerning prohibited substances, the doctor, or the IBU representative or the local boxing commissioner should instruct the referee to confiscate, or may on his own, confiscate such substance or substances. This shall also be done at the discretion of the referee himself, if he detects a questionable substance.

e) At the referee's invitation, the ring doctor should give his opinion of a wound during a round of the bout, or go on his own to the boxer's corner during the sixty (60) second resting period, although he should be careful not to interfere with the second's work.

f) After a boxer is counted out, or a bout is stopped and the boxer fails to stand up, doctors should immediately enter the ring, with or without the referee's call, remove the boxer's mouthpiece if still in the mouth, establish adequate ventilation, and have the boxer lying on his left side.

4.14 Permitted Accessories in Corners During Bouts.

The local boxing commission and the ring doctors should make sure that nothing but the following is used by the cornermen to take care of boxers during a bout: a) water; b) vaseline; c) ice; d) adrenaline 1/1000 or other IBU approved hemostatic; e) gauze pads; f) cotton tips; g) blunted scissors; h) adhesive tape; i) towels; j) cotton wads, and/or soft bandages.

4.15 Emergency Equipment at the Ring During Bouts.

The local boxing commission is responsible of ensuring that the following emergency equipment is at the ring before commencement of the boxing program:

a) a portable resuscitator or similar equipment in working order;
b) a stretcher under the ring apron for easy availability;
c) an ambulance parked in a freely accessible place outside the boxing arena for one (1) hour before and after the program, staffed with paramedics skilled in resuscitation;
d) a telephone at ringside only for the use of medical officers; a local hospital with an approved accident, emergency, and neurosurgical unit, as well as a neurosurgeon on call, must be under agreement.

4.16 Medical Facilities.

Each venue must have a room set aside for medical purposes only. This should be adequately lit, have an examination table, hot and cold running water and a treatment trolley, all this being the responsibility of the doctor in conjunction with the promoter of the program

4.17 Manager and Trainer Education.

Managers and trainers shall take courses and obtain certificates of attendance at seminars and programs of paramedicine, nutrition, physiology, drugs, dangerous hemostatics, diuretics, and other dangerous substances, as well as boxing rules and training programs.

4.18 Rights of IBU Regarding Medical Examination of Boxers.

The IBU Medical Advisory Board will have the right to order or conduct an examination of any boxer rated by the IBU when necessary, for example, when a boxer claims to be injured and unable to fulfill a contract or obligation under these Rules and Regulations; or, when a boxer whose physical condition is doubtful, desires to fight in a IBU-certified bout or as a IBU-rated boxer.

4.19 Boxers Suffering from Detached Retinas.

No boxer will be authorized to box for a IBU championship if he has had a retina detachment, even if he has had an operation to correct such detachment, unless his participation in the bout is authorized by two (2) independent ophthalmologists chosen by the IBU Medical Advisory Board after an examination.

4.20 Extraordinary Medical Weight Measures.

When necessary, the IBU Medical Advisory Board may require fat tissue laboratory exams on boxers with weight problems, in order to allow their rating in certain weight divisions and more important, to protect their health by not allowing their participation in bouts in weight divisions which could put their health in danger.

4.21 Medical Advisory Board to Investigate Fatal Injuries.

The IBU Medical Advisory Board shall be responsible for studying the history of boxers who have had fatal accidents which appear to be related to boxing activity, including:

a) Review of childhood nutritional reports,
b) Review of private life behavior reports,
c) Use of drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, V.D. investigation,
d) Review of boxing record, knock outs received, boxing style and difficult contests during the boxer's life,
e) Review of physical record and medical file,
f) Review of pre-contest reports of private life and training for the fatal bout,
g) Preparation of a report regarding the conduct of the fatal bout,
h) Review of autopsy reports.

4.22 Boxing Injuries in Gyms.

All injuries in boxing gyms should be reported to the local boxing commissions, and an examination of accidents and the boxer's physical condition should be done in order to approve or disapprove a boxer's participation in a bout.

All injuries, either during the boxer's normal life or while boxing, must be reported to the boxing commission of his jurisdiction by the boxers, their trainer(s), manager, and/or personal doctor.

4.23 IBU Referees and Judges.

Referees and judges for IBU title events should pass a yearly medical examination including neurological, psychological and ophthalmological testing. Referees must have a pre-bout examination during the weigh-in, for reflexes, rhomberg, nistagemus, blood pressure, and heart rate. Ensuring that these requirements are satisfied is the responsibility of the various boxing commissions.

4.24 IBU Sports and Medicine Foundation.

The IBU Sports Medicine Foundation sponsors programs for permanent medical research for the prevention and treatment of injuries in boxing and to assist in the development of adequate safety rules.

4.25 The 12-Round Rule.

Bouts recognized by the IBU for world title contests shall not exceed twelve (12) rounds.

Rule 5 - Disciplinary & Appeal Procedures

5.1 Exclusivity of Remedies.

Any boxer, promoter, manager or other person or organization that participates in the activities or events of the IBU, or who avail themselves, or claim any right arising on the IBU Constitution or these Rules and Regulations, agree that their exclusive remedies are the administrative remedies and the dispute resolution procedures provided for herein.

5.2 Administrative Remedies.

Any claim, complaint or protest against the IBU, or any controversy, appeal or dispute concerning the IBU Constitution, or these Rules and Regulations, must first be presented to the IBU for consideration by the President and the appropriate Committee, and if appropriate, the Executive Committee.

The claim, controversy, or dispute must be submitted to the IBU President in writing by the aggrieved party or his authorized representative within ten (10) calendar days after the claim, controversy or dispute first arose.

Upon reception of the claim, dispute or controversy, the President, in his discretion, will either: a) attempt to resolve the controversy, or b) refer the matter to the Grievance and Appeals Committee, or c) refer the matter to the Executive Committee. The President must notify all interested parties of the decision of the IBU in writing. The administrative procedures as provided in these Rules, must be fully complied with before the provisions of Rule 5.3 and 5.4 are invoked.

5.3 Compulsory Mediation.

Any unresolved claim, controversy or dispute against the IBU, must be submitted to non-binding mediation in accordance with the following procedures, within thirty (30) days after exhaustion of the administrative procedures outlined in Rule 5.2:

a) The parties must, in good faith, attempt to select a neutral mediator to conduct the mediation. The eligible candidate must be neutral and have experience in the sport of boxing or in resolving boxing disputes.

b) In the event that the parties are unable to agree on a mediator, each party shall nominate two qualified candidates from the CAS (Council of Arbitration for Sport) Pool of Mediators.

c) The mediator shall be selected at random from the four (4) candidates selected by the parties from the CAS Pool of Mediation.

d) The mediation shall be conducted in accordance with procedures prescribed by the selected mediator and at a convenient location designated by the mediator. The mediator�s expenses shall be shared equally by the parties who participate in the mediation.

e) The mediation shall be completed within thirty (30) days after the mediator is selected, in accordance with the procedures in this Rule.

f) The parties to the mediation must agree to mediate in good faith in a meaningful attempt to resolve the controversy, claim or dispute.

5.4 Mandatory Arbitration.

Any dispute arising directly or indirectly on the occasion of or in connection with a IBU sanctioned bout or any decision made by the IBU, which the parties have been unable to resolve pursuant to the procedures provided for in Rules 5.2 and 5.3, will then be settled exclusively by mandatory arbitration before the Court of Arbitration for Sports (�CAS�), pursuant to the Code of Sports-Related Arbitration.
The IBU and all boxers involved in IBU sanctioned fights, as well as all related parties, acknowledge that these provisions concerning alternatives to dispute resolution are an essential part of these Rules and Regulations.

5.5 Waiver.

Any person having a claim against the IBU expressly waives all remedies and courses of action other than those provided for in this Rule 5.

Rule 6 - RATINGS

The purpose of ratings is to determine eligible contenders to challenge for the IBU World Championship.

6.1 IBU Ratings Principles

a) IBU Ratings are largely subjective. The IBU Ratings Committee will abide by the IBU Ratings Criteria to compile the monthly rating report.

b) IBU Ratings are primarily based on merits.

c) The IBU Ratings Committee is formed by members of absolute integrity and neutrality. Ratings are derived from data compiled by an independent third party and then discussed by the IBU Ratings Committee. The members of the Committee will take notice of boxing matches reported daily, weekly or monthly, in the newspapers of the world, the monthly reports from the boxing commissions, and the computer data, to devise the ratings each month.

d) The IBU Ratings Committee members are subjected to the IBU�s Code of Ethics.

e) The decisions taken by the IBU Ratings Committee are based on consensus.

f) IBU Ratings shall be compiled and published on a monthly basis.
a) Once a year the IBU RatingsCommittee submits to the IBU Executive Committee the set of ratings for final approval.

b) Forty-five (45) boxers will be dated in each division.

c) Any fighter competing for another world title will be dropped from the ratings.

d) Any fighter with medical or legal impediment to fight will be placed in the dropped from the ratings.

e) In fairness to all boxers, the IBU shall provide due process for the consideration of any appeal regarding a boxer�s rating. All inquires or appeals shall be directed to the IBU Ratings Appeals Committee.

f) It shall be the responsibility of all boxers to advise the IBU of their boxing activity.

g) Federation and committee champions will be marked with their corresponding abbreviations.

6.2 Ratings Eligibility

a) To have the merits according to the ratings criteria.

b) To have defeated or drawn with a rated boxer in their past.

c) To be an Olympic medalist or have conquered important amateur tournaments.

d) Having had a successful career in mixed martial arts, kickboxing, or similar sports.

6.3 Ratings Criteria

a) Record.

b) Result and quality of performance in the recent fights.

c) Level or competition.

d) Significance of bouts.

e) Experience in championship fights.

f) Amateur record & accomplishments, or mixed martial arts, kickboxing, or similar sports.

g) Fighting at home or abroad.

h) Activity.

i) Decisiveness of victories.

j) Style.

k) Controversial decisions.

6.4 Inactivity

a) A rated boxer who does not fight in four (4) months will be subject to be lowered in the rankings.

b) A rated boxer who does not fight in six (6) months will be removed from the ratings.

c) In both cases legitimate medical and legal reasons will be evaluated whenever deemed necessary.

d) A boxer will not be rated if any of the following occurs:

* Convicted and incarcerated.

* Indefinite medical or legal suspension by a local commission, affiliated federation or the IBU.

* Belonging to a country which practices racial discrimination or behavior unfitting a champion.

6.5 Appeals Committee

a) A boxer in the top fifteen (15) in the current or previous ratings may ask for an explanation of his status, by a written protest.

b) The IBU Rating Appeals Committee will review the matter and will provide a preliminary response within the following ten (10) days.

c) Any further action by the appellant must be in accordance with the IBU Rule 5.

6.6 "Not Rated and/or Dropped" Criteria

A fighter will be not be rated if:

a) He is contracted to fight for another organization.

b) He is medically unfit to fight for a period of time.

c) A legal impediment.

6.7 Web Page

a) IBU Ratings are published on the IBU website.

b) Changes in the first fifteen (1) positions are explained with updated publication.

Rule 7 - Financial & Administrative Affairs

7.1 In General.

Employees and independent contractors will be reimbursed for fees, salaries, and expenses incurred for IBU business. Further, the President, the Chairman, and all other members of the Board of Governors of the IBU, the Chairman of each committee and other persons specifically designated by the President and Chairman, will be reimbursed for expenses incurred for IBU business.

7.2 Expenses Connected with IBU Sponsored Events.

In addition, the members of the Executive Committee of the IBU shall be entitled to reimbursement of their transportation, hotel and meal expenses incurred in connection with an event sponsored by, or involving the IBU, except for annual IBU conventions, which are defined in Article X.1 of the Constitution.
Any employees or independent contractors whose services are required by the IBU, and any other individuals whom the President or the Chairman agree should be present at IBU conventions, shall be entitled to reimbursement of their transportation, hotel and meal expenses.

7.3 Bout Sanction Fee.

The following fees are established in conjunction with all bouts sanctioned by the IBU, subject to modification by a majority voting of the Executive Committee. These fees are for sanctioning NON-TELEVISED fights only. Over-the-air FREE broadcast increases sanctioning and trademark licensing fees by fifty percent (50%) and should championship bout(s) be televised on pay-per-view broadcast, sanctioning and trademark licensing fees increase by one hundred percent (100%).

a) Promoters Championship Bout Fees:

**please be aware that the IBU does NOT receive a percentage of purses of fighters**

YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP (under 22 years of age)


€ 1000
BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs

(includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals)

total € 1500

STATE /PROVINCE TITLE (example: New York or Ontario or Abuja)

BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs

(includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals)

total €1200

COUNTRY TITLE (example: Nigeria or Ireland or United States)

BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs

(includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals)

total €2000

INTERNATIONAL TITLE (example: African or European or North American)

BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs

(includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals)

total € 3000


BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs

(includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals)

total € 5000

� World title Elimination fights with combined purses up to €100000 (euros) ............................. €5000

� World title Elimination fights with combined purses over €100000 (euros) .............................€5500

� "INTERIM" WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Administrative Fee (euros) ................... €6000

***fees below are in "euros € "***


BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs

(includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals)

total € 9000


BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs

(includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals)

total € 11000


BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs

(includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals)

total € 16000


BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs

(includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals)

total € 25000


BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs

(includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals)

total € 50000


BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs

(includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals)

total € 100000


BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs

(includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals)

total € 135000


BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs

(includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals)

total € 175000


BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs

(includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals)

total € 200000

NOTE: Should an IBU Official be requested to appear on behalf of Promoter and/or Boxer prior to the week of the championship fight, in addition to all travel and hotel related expenses, additional fees will be due as follows in "Euros":

President of IBU: € 600 per day

Alternate Official of IBU: € 350 per day

All references in this rule to bout purses refer to total combined gross purses of champion and challenger.

The promoter must have paid his annual membership fee, which is € 1000 (euros), in order to promote an IBU sanctioned bout. A deduction of 300 (euros) is applicable if payment is made before 01 January of each fiscal year. No further payments are required for subsequent bouts during that one (1) year.

b) Boxers Bout Fee.

The IBU will receive "NO" percentage of moneys received by the "boxers" as compensation for a bout, as stated in the Bout Agreement and any other agreement, including but not limited to compensation derived from Pay-Per-View, Cable or satellite transmission, Television Broadcast, or Internet distribution, including amounts calculated and paid following the Bout. This includes all sums of money paid from all national or international sources.

BOXERS (both) HOSPITALIZATION AND LIFE INSURANCE .................................... € 1500 (euros)

c) Championship Belt.

The Promoter shall place with the IBU a deposit of �1500 (euros) for the IBU championship belt as security should the Promoter and/or Boxer fail to return belt to the IBU when requested in the case of either failing to remain a member in good standing of the IBU.



Up to €50000 (euros) €600 (euros) €400 (euros)

From €50001 to €100000 (euros) €800 (euros) €600 (euros)

From €100001 to €150000 (euros) €1100 (euros) €800 (euros)

From €150001 to €250000 (euros) €1400 (euros) €1100 (euros)

From €250001 to €1000000 (euros) €1800 (euros) €1500 (euros)

Over €1000000 (euros) €2500 (euros) €2000 (euros)

IBU REPRESENTATIVE INCIDENTALS (to be paid in advance) €250 (euros)


Promoters� obligations:

Upon the execution of the IBU Championship Sanctioning Agreement, all applicable fees due to the IBU shall be immediately transferred to the designated banc account unless otherwise stated in the IBU Championship Sanctioning Agreement.

The Promoter is responsible for collecting all fees from third parties on behalf of the IBU such as but not limited to boxers, seconds, trainers, and officials.

The Promoter is the party ultimately liable to the IBU for payment of all fees outlined in Rule 7.

The IBU reserves and exercises the right to require documentation from promoters and/or boxers, such as the bout contracts or reconciliations of such in order to certify and establish the total compensation to boxers in a championship bout on which sanction fees are calculated and assessed pursuant to Rule 7.3. The promoters and boxers explicitly consent to disclosure by third parties of any such agreements upon request by the IBU.

All sanction fees shall be completely tax free to the IBU and it shall be the responsibility of the promoter, registering the bout contracts to pay by withholding additional sums from the purses of the boxers, all such local, state, or national tax liabilities, if any, imposed by the country, state or locality where the bout takes place, and to hold the IBU harmless from same.

Payment of sanction fees, as per Rule 7.3 (a) and (b), are applicable in the scenarios provided for in Championship Rule WC-13, when either the champion or the challenger fail to make the weight.

Boxers� Obligations

The champion and challenger must accept the deduction of the aforesaid boxer membership fees from their respective purses. No bout shall be recognized as a IBU certified title bout, if either the champion or the challenger does not agree to and allow the deduction of the boxer fees from his purse.

b) In the event that an IBU champion fights in a higher weight class, or in a lower weight class in a bout in which his IBU title is not also at stake, the champion must pay to the IBU fifty percent (50%) of the IBU sanction fee, as stated herein, in view of the market value brought to the bout as a result of his standing attained as a IBU champion.

7.5 Rights of Registered and Authorized Promoters.

a) All promoters who are registered and authorized by the IBU, shall have the right to register contracts for championship bouts with the IBU, promote any IBU recognized championship or championship elimination match, participate in the IBU purse offer procedures, register bout options with the IBU, and participate in any other pertinent activity within the IBU's operating procedures.

b) In the cases of promotions of bouts won in purse offers, if a promoter has presented to boxers the bout contracts within the deadline, but boxers have not signed and returned, it will not be the promoters fault and his compliance with contracts registration dates will be valid.

c) The IBU holds the right to deny certification to promoters whose actions might be detrimental to the IBU and boxing, by promoting in opposition to expressed policies against apartheid or safety and any measures to protect boxers.

7.6 IBU Expenses.

The IBU Executive Committee may, from time to time, and for payment of lawful expenses of the IBU, assess the appropriate members for payment, or request payment by promoters on a non-discriminatory basis, of such amounts as may be necessary to defray such expenses. The IBU Executive Committee may take such other lawful actions or pursue any lawful project with which it may raise funds for the IBU.

7.7 Convention Expenses.

a) Meeting Expenses.

The host promoter shall be responsible for the following expenses:

1. Expenses for the total number of the hotel rooms at the convention site, for use by all the members of the IBU Executive Committee.

2. Expenses for the opening and closing awards gala dinners.

3. Expenses for simultaneous translation of official languages: English, Spanish and French.

4. All meeting expenses and stationery requirements.

The host convention member may voluntarily absorb any other expenses of the convention.

b) Officers, and Committee Chairmen.

The host promoter shall pay for the hotel, meals and agenda expenses of all IBU officers and committee chairmen incurred exclusively in connection with the convention.

c) Delegate Expenses.

The delegates to the convention shall pay fifty percent (50%) of their transportation expenses and the IBU shall pay fifty percent (50%). No other expenses of delegates will be paid unless otherwise agreed in advance by the IBU President and Treasurer, with advice from the Chairman of the Finance Committee.

d) Employer/Independent Contractor Expenses.

Any employees or independent contractors of the IBU whom the President, Treasurer, and the Finance Committee, believe should be present at the convention to further the purposes of the IBU, shall be reimbursed for transportation, hotel and meal expenses incurred in connection with attendance to the convention, provided however, that payment of said expenses has been approved in advance by the IBU President and Treasurer, in consultation with the Chairman of the Finance Committee.

e) Non Delegate/Non Employee Expenses.

The IBU President and Treasurer, in consultation with the Chairman of the Finance Committee, may designate persons, other than those above specified, whose convention expenses will be reimbursed, either in whole or in part.

7.8 Report on Convention Budget and Expenses.

The IBU Treasurer shall prepare and present to the IBU President and the Finance Committee, a budget for annual convention expenses for which the IBU is responsible. Upon approval of the budget by the Finance Committee, the expenses set forth therein may be paid by the President or Treasurer. Unexpected convention-related expenses which arise subsequent to approval of convention budget, may be paid at the discretion of the President and Treasurer, provided that a complete accounting of said expenses is presented to the Finance Committee within three (3) months after the convention. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the President or Treasurer may pay those expenses described in Rule 7.7 b), regardless of whether or not they have been included in the convention budget.

7.9 Convention Procedures.

The following practices and procedures shall be followed in connection with any convention:

a) The convention site shall reconfirm the intent to host the convention six (6) months before the event, and if possible, shall present economic guarantees for the convention.

b) Unless otherwise extended or shortened, notice of any convention shall be given to the member federations at least nine (9) weeks prior to the date of the convention.

c) The agenda for any convention shall be sent to the member federations at least three (3) weeks before the date of the convention.

d) No member federations can be represented by proxy at any convention, by members of other continental federations.

e) Member federations who wish to have matters placed on the agenda for any convention, for discussion and/or vote, must submit such matters to the IBU Executive Office/the Office of the President at least six (6) weeks before the date of the convention, provided that any item not submitted within the period above mentioned, may still be included in the agenda of the annual convention upon the consent of the majority of the member federations present and voting at such convention.

f) Official awards for recognition of officers, boxers and other boxing personalities, shall be presented at conventions.

7.10 Miscellaneous.

The payment of any individual expenses not specifically listed in the foregoing, must be approved by the Finance Committee. If any non convention transportation, hotel and meal expenses are reimbursed and such reimbursement has not been authorized under the foregoing Rule, the reasons for taking such action shall be well documented by the individual making the decision to reimburse said expenses.

Rule 8 - Express Agreement

All parties involved in reaching an agreement as to a IBU contest, shall sign a document stating their full acceptance to abide by the IBU Constitution, Rules and Regulations and Championship Rules.

The IBU Constitution, Rules and Regulations and Championship Rules are available on the IBU Web page on the Internet.

Rule 1 - Championship and Elimination Rule

1.1 Applicability of Championship and Elimination Rules.

These championship and elimination rules shall be applied in all IBU recognized world championship and elimination contests, and are entitled to, and must receive the full recognition and respect from all champions and challengers of the world, provided however that under certain circumstances, as when a champion has dual recognition by more than one boxing organization as world champion, various requirements of these Rules and Regulations may be waived by the IBU.

1.2 Registration of Management Contracts.

To be valid, all contracts between champions, challengers and their managers, and/or representatives or sports agents must be filed at the IBU offices. An acceptable alternative is a certificate confirming the filing of such contracts with the local boxing commissions/federations, and their enforceability with respect to the particular IBU championship.

1.3 Conflict of Interests.

Subject to the provisions of Rule 1.9, no person is permitted to act concurrently both as manager of a boxer and as a promoter of a IBU championship contest involving the same boxer. It is the sole responsibility of the person who is serving both, as a promoter and as a manager of a boxer, to notify the IBU, in writing, of such dual capacity, and failure to so inform the IBU timely and properly, shall result in disciplinary action against the person who incurs in such failure.

1.4 Options for Title Bouts.

At the request of the promoter to promote a world title fight, at the time of execution of a contract resulting from free negotiations, the challenger is required to grant one (1) option for his first title defense, in the event that he is successful in his challenge. The foregoing notwithstanding, with notice to the President or Chairman of the IBU, a challenger may voluntarily, grant the promoter additional options and these options will be valid, binding, and enforceable should the challenger not rescind them in writing, for breach of the terms as stipulated in such option contracts. In order for the option clause to be recognized by the IBU, it must be specific in its terms as to the boxer�s compensation and the period during which it will be exercised under normal circumstances.

This Rule is not applicable if it is prohibited in the jurisdiction where the fight will take place.

1.5 Procedures Related to Options.

Promoters who hold a current and recognized option of a champion will be authorized to discuss and have rights to a title defense. All agreements for an option bout must be filed with the IBU and executed in compliance with Rule 1.10 and 1.11.

1.6 Exclusive Promotional Agreements.

The IBU does recognize exclusive promotional agreements between a promoter and a boxer.

1.7 Time Limitations on Options.

There shall be a time limit of six (6) months from the date of a world title bout within which a promoter must stage a championship bout pursuant to an option granted to him, subject however, to reasonable extensions if such bout cannot be promoted within the six (6) month period by reason of matters out of the control of the promoter and further, subject to the provisions of these Rules and Regulations regarding mandatory defense obligations.